Tuesday, October 27, 2015

Seasoned Perspective


A common theme that has been running through my mind lately is the idea of seasoned perspective. I'm not sure why, maybe because I feel extremely occupied and unavailable at all times. I candidly believe there are seasons in life where you must put certain ideals on the back burner for a time.... There are seasons in life where you must lower certain expectations of self in order to get through times of severe over stimulation. It is the only way to accomplish all of the tedious demands of these hard-pressed times. When you are doing everything at once it is okay to have bouts of mediocrity in order to keep your head above water. Life has it's ebbs and flows and these seasons will come and go. We can't always do what we want or live perfectly in line with our convictions. In these times we can choose to have a seasoned perspective in order to cushion from feelings of defeat.

The PRSSA National Conference is coming up!

Madelyne Van Hoff

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